Module V
Surgical crown lengthening and periodontal resective surgery
In the era of minimally invasive dentistry, periodontal resective procedures are becoming increasingly common. This applies to defects in the hard tissue of the periodontium in areas outside the esthetic zone and in the furcation of multi-rooted teeth when tissue regeneration is not possible. Furthermore, conservative dentistry, esthetic dentistry, and prosthetics would also not be possible without resective surgery in situations where the margins of restoration are located in the subgingival area. The surgical procedure for crown lengthening of clinical crowns is often part of a comprehensive restoration of smile esthetics and can easily yield spectacular esthetic results for the patient.
During this module, we discuss the modern approach to periodontal resective surgery with a focus on surgical crown lengthening procedures in various clinical scenarios. We also cover the preparation principles for abutment teeth and prosthetic protocols aimed at stimulating interdental papilla growth and shaping soft tissue.
- Supracrestal attached tissue: new concepts
- Apically positioned flap and resective osseus surgery in the treatment of periodontal disease
- Resective periodontal surgery to treat furcation-involved molars
- Digital smile design in collaboration with a prosthodontist
- Altered passive eruption: diagnostics, etiology, surgical treatment
- Surgical crown lengthening in prosthodontics and restorative rehabilitation: biological width violation, gingivectomy, osteoplasty, osteotomy
- Timing of provisional and final prosthodontics rehabilitation after crown lengthening procedures
Hands-on training:
- Treatment planning for gummy smile and altered passive eruption
- Surgical crown lengthening in the esthetic zone (gingivectomy, osteoplasty, osteotomy)
- Minimally invasive apically repositioned flaps with the fiber retention technique