Training for Dentists

With the rapid technological progress and development of digital techniques, our medical knowledge is expanding at an extremely fast pace. This requires constant development and adaptation to changes. The Soft Tissue Project is an innovative and multifaceted approach to learning and practicing modern periodontology and dental implantology. We offer modular, carefully planned training for dentists, allowing you to quickly incorporate the acquired knowledge and skills in your daily practice.

Thanks to a synergistic approach, we ensure optimal use of your time during the course. We share our experience, present numerous and diverse clinical cases, and provide valuable tips and advice that will help you perform surgical procedures with greater confidence and avoid complications. With practical classes included in every module, you will refine your skills and begin to think more perioplastically. You will gain real knowledge from this project, which you can use in your practice.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop competencies using science as inspiration. Clinical practice is an excellent opportunity for us to observe and draw our own conclusions, which allow us to shape an individual work profile. We represent a treatment approach based on reliable, modern, and clinically relevant knowledge, as well as therapy plans tailored to patient needs.

The goal of the Soft Tissue Project is to organize topics in the field of periodontology and dental implantology. During the sessions, we share our knowledge and experience with you and enable you to improve manual skills in oral plastic surgery.

During the Soft Tissue Project, everyone will find inspiration and interactive knowledge, regardless of their professional achievements. We envision our courses serving as a platform for the mutual exchange of experiences and building new relationships, which will result in interesting ideas and future collaboration.



Teaching and Training

With the ever-increasing number of innovative solutions, medical products, and biomaterials available on the market, choosing methods that provide optimal and predictable therapeutic outcomes has become a primary challenge in clinical practice. Deciding on the appropriate personalized treatment plan for each patient is a continuous challenge in daily work.

Knowing precise algorithms is the guarantee of predictable clinical work. Good planning is the foundation of therapeutic success and benefits both the patient and the doctor. The training cycle of the Soft Tissue project will show you how to effectively and harmoniously train and refine your manual skills step by step.

Our approach facilitates systematic learning through the following educational tools: scripts and atlases presenting the discussed surgical techniques, interactive knowledge transfer in small groups, video recordings of procedures, practical exercises on training models, and the exchange of experiences with other doctors.

Educational Cycle

Our training for dentists comprises a series of eight modules in periodontology and implantology, designed hierarchically in terms of content. The course modules are suitable for all doctors wanting to understand the intricacies of working with soft tissue around teeth and implants, regardless of clinical experience or specialization.

We aim to provide all project participants with support in navigating contemporary solutions and products used in dentistry and help them implement the acquired information and skills into their daily work with patients.


Module I

2 days

The non-surgical treatment of periodontitis and the basics of microsurgery

Effective treatment of patients with periodontal disease requires skillful execution of all stages of periodontal treatment: from proper diagnosis, through non-surgical and surgical treatment, to the maintenance phase.


Module II

3 days

Periodontal plastic surgery in the treatment of single gingival recessions

A major challenge is the treatment of soft tissue defects in the esthetic zone. To achieve satisfactory results, in addition to completely covering the recession, the tissue must be restored with the right color and surface.


Module III

2 days

Periodontal plastic surgery in the treatment of multiple gingival recessions

Deciding on the treatment of multiple gum recessions should be preceded by a thorough analysis of each case. This is crucial, as not only full coverage of recessions but also high-quality esthetic results are key to achieving the optimal therapeutic outcome.


Module IV

3 days

Periodontal regenerative procedures

Procedures in periodontal regenerative surgery allow for complete restoration of hard and soft tissue lost due to periodontal inflammation, improving the prognosis for maintaining the tooth or teeth.


Module V

3 days

Surgical crown lengthening and periodontal resective surgery

In the era of minimally invasive dentistry, periodontal resective procedures are becoming increasingly common. This applies to hard tissue defects in non-esthetic areas and in furcations of multi-rooted teeth when regeneration of lost tissue is not possible.


Module VI

3 days

Implant therapy in the functional zone and peri-implantitis

Modern dental treatment concepts are unimaginable without the use of implants. Unfortunately, a significant number of patients are at risk of biological complications such as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.


Module VII

3 days

Implant therapy in the esthetic zone and advanced reconstructive procedures

Positioning dental implants in the esthetic zone remains a significant challenge in clinical practice. A doctor must consider a wide range of concepts and surgical techniques to make the right choice and appropriately plan treatment.


Module VIII

3 days

Comprehensive treatment, corticotomy

Comprehensive treatment of a patient with periodontitis can include implant, prosthetic, and orthodontic treatment. Module VIII is dedicated to surgical procedures at the intersection of various disciplines.

During the project, you will independently perform the following procedures:

  • Harvesting subepithelial connective tissue grafts (SCTG) - six times
  • Harvesting free ginigval grafts (FGG) - three times
  • Covering a single gingival recession using the coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique
  • Covering multiple gingival recessions using the modified coronally advanced tunnel (MCAT) technique and SCTG
  • Covering multiple gingival recessions using the coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique and collagen matrix
  • Augmentation of keratinized tissue around teeth using FGG
  • The single flap approach (SFA) and SCTG in the treatment of containing a periodontal intrabony defect
  • The connective tissue wall (CTW) technique in the treatment of an extensive intrabony defect in the esthetic zone
  • Surgical crown lengthening in the esthetic zone (gingivectomy, osteoplasty, osteotomy)
  • Minimally invasive apically repositioned flaps with the fiber retention technique
  • Placement of various implants on models using surgical guides
  • Placement of a bone level implant with SCTG to augment peri-implant soft tissue volume
  • Placement of a tissue-level implant with SCTG to augment peri-implant soft tissue volume
  • Placement of a bone-level implant with FGG to increase keratinized tissue height
  • Three-dimensional soft tissue reconstruction using the connective tissue platform (CTP) technique + SCTG
  • Corticotomy
  • Horizontal bone augmentation with guided bone regeneration (GBR) using a collagen membrane


EDITION IV (sold out)EDITION V (sold out)EDITION VI (sold out)EDITION VII
Module I (2 days)27-28.10.202423-24.02.20254-5.10.202521-22.02.2026
Module II (3 days)24-26.11.202422-24.03.20258-10.11.202521-23.03.2026
Module III (2 days)15-16.12.202427-28.04.20257-8.12.202526-27.04.2026
Module IV (3 days)11-13.01.202525-27.05.202517-19.01.202624-26.05.2026
Module V (3 days)8-10.02.202514-16.06.20257-9.02.202620-22.06.2026
Module VI (3 days)8-10.03.202520-22.09.20257-9.03.202619-21.09.2026
Module VII (3 days)5-7.04.202518-20.10.202511-13.04.202617-19.10.2026
Module VIII (3 days)11-13.05.202515-17.11.202510-12.05.202614-16.11.2026

Individual Training

These are 1-on-1 training sessions where we can thoroughly discuss a selected topic, both theoretically and practically. The training plan is based on a set of topics submitted in advance by the participant and adapted to their skill level. This may include any topic from periodontology and implantology covered during the Soft Tissue Project or additional subjects.

By choosing individual training, you can decide on:

- Thematic scope: the training addresses a strictly defined topic. The doctor defines their expectations and participates in creating the training program. The material is tailored to the specific needs and expectations of the participant.

- Time and place: the time and place of the training are individually arranged. The classes can be conducted both online and directly in a dental office.

- Training format: the training can be theoretical or practical. The option with patients allows hands-on execution of previously discussed procedures.

Individual training allows better tailoring of the program both in terms of content and organization, ensuring even better results. Practical skills can be used almost immediately.

For individual training inquiries, please contact us by email.


Our Approach Is Based on Three Pillars


Understanding the Problem

Through a practice-oriented approach, we provide course participants with the theoretical foundation that enables a thorough understanding of each discussed issue.


Making Decisions

Our goal is for participants to make informed therapeutic decisions based on the acquired knowledge and clearly defined criteria.


Applying Manual Skills in Practice

We aim for each course participant to be able to freely perform specific procedures in their daily work.

Our Team

Bartłomiej Górski
DDS, PhD, Professor (Associate) at Medical University of Warsaw

A graduate of the Medical-Dental Faculty at the Medical University of Warsaw and of Health Care Management at the Warsaw School of Economics. In 2015, he obtained a PhD in dentistry, and in 2016 became a specialist in periodontology.

Since 2016, he has worked at the Department of Mucosal and Periodontal Diseases at the Medical University of Warsaw as an assistant professor. In 2020, he became a specialist in oral surgery, and in 2021 he earned his doctorate in medical sciences. In 2022, he obtained a Master of Science (MSc) at the University of Bologna. In 2024, he completed the Curriculum of Prof. Hürzeller and Dr. Zuhr.

Coordinator of specialization training in periodontology, scientific supervisor of doctoral dissertations, lecturer, and speaker. Author and co-author of over 120 publications in national and international journals. Member of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), the Polish Society of Periodontology (PTP), the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), the European Association of Dental Implantology (EDI), and the National Association of Dental Implantology (OSIS). Total IF points: 104,681; MEiN: 4998.

His clinical and research interests in periodontology, oral surgery, and implantology focus primarily on wound healing, microbiological diagnostics, biochemical markers of periodontal inflammation, tissue regeneration, minimally invasive surgical techniques, and the evaluation of new biomaterials. During his career, he has had the opportunity to learn from the best: Dr. Ludwig Björn, Prof. Pierpaolo Cortellini, Prof. Serge Dibart, ZTM Vincent Fehmer, Dr. Eli Friedwald, Prof. Marcus Hürzeller, Prof. Joseph Kan, Prof. Fouad Khoury, Prof. Thomas Linkevicius, Prof. Carlo Monaco, Dr. Jose Carlos Martin da Rosa, Prof. Irena Sailer, Prof. Mariano Sanz, Prof. Anton Sculean, Dr. Luca De Stavola, Prof. Andreas Stavropoulos, Dr. Martina Stefanini, Prof. Leonardo Trombelli, Prof. Istvan Urban, Prof. Alfredo Valencia, Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli, Dr. Otto Zuhr. Founder of the educational group for dentists on Facebook, Dental Network - Soft Tissues First.

Join my educational group:


Useful Information







“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Albert Einstein

Opinions About Us

Participants in our course are happy to share their opinions. See how they rate our course.


I really enjoyed the first days during module I. When signing up for this course, I was confident it would be worth it. The proposed diagnostic and treatment protocols are very clear and understandable, at least for me, and provide a better perspective for planning individual phases of periodontal treatment. After just these two days, I am overjoyed and cannot wait for the next session.

Nela Molga-Chlipała, DDS


Excellent course. It organizes periodontal knowledge in your head. Step by step, it guides youthrough all stages and possibilities of periodontal treatment. These courses not only change the way you work but also how you think about your profession. They provide a lot of food for thought.

Agnieszka and Bartek are people for whom periodontology is both work and a passion. They infect others with their enthusiasm. This is the kind of course where you activate airplane mode on your phone so as not to miss a single minute because you know every moment will bring value to your work and open new doors in your mind. I am grateful they created this surgical course and are so eager to share their years of knowledge and experience.

Thank you for what you do, and I love how you complement each other.

Patrycja Filipiak, DDS


Fantastic training. Information is delivered in a clear and understandable way. The instructors share their experiences and provide effective, proven treatment methods.

I recommend it to both specialists who value continuous skill improvement and those beginning their journey with periodontal surgery and implant dentistry.

Julita Koper, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology


Only four modules in, and I can already sincerely recommend this course. It systematizes and updates knowledge. The practical part is very enriching. Every step is thoroughly checked with careful identification and discussion of the smallest mistakes. The instructors are very open, leave no question unanswered, and review participants' cases step by step.

Particularly noteworthy is the section on complications, their causes, and potential solutions. In my opinion, this course is for practitioners at various levels in periodontology, so if you feel you're missing a puzzle piece, you won't be disappointed.

Joanna Siniarska, DDS, Trainee in Periodontology


Projekt Tkanki Miękkie is the best investment in your education. This training organizes knowledge from all areas of dentistry and really puts everything in order.

It's a course for those who practice periodontology daily, as well as for those involved in large treatment plans, prosthetics, implants, and general dentistry. Because, as it turns out, everything comes down to soft tissues. And the cherry on top is the outstanding instructors.

PS: No one paid me for this review. Projekt Tkanki Miękkie is simply the best!

Magdalena Gołębiewska, DDS


A massive dose of knowledge presented in a very accessible way. The perfect balance between academic theory and clinical practice. I recommend it to any dentist for whom understanding the secrets of soft tissues is the missing link to success in multidisciplinary treatment.

Małgorzata Wyszyńska-Pomian, DDS, Spacialist in Periodontology


The modules of Projekt Tkanki Miękkie guide participants through the full scope of modern periodontology. They teach a comprehensive and innovative approach to non-surgical treatment, which forms the foundation for a successful and predictable surgical phase. They teach how to balance appropriately selected methods for preserving teeth with decisions about their removal and subsequent implant-prosthetic reconstruction.

Comprehensive knowledge of topics such as prosthetics, orthodontics, or occlusion is essential for properly co-managing patients, and the modules consistently teach how to collaborate effectively with specialists from other fields and understand each other when creating comprehensive treatment plans.

A thorough understanding of the biology of soft tissues, incisions, preparation, suturing, and healing opens the door to broadly understood modern implantology, which relies not only on osseointegration but also on integration with soft tissues and esthetics, resulting in a proper long-term effect. The implantology modules teach how to achieve success in this field.

The modules of Projekt Tkanki Miękkie introduce a relatively new area of periodontology but one based on years of global research. I recommend joining the project to all dentists who want to explore the contemporary dimension of effective periodontology.

Beata Wyrębek, DDS, PhD, Trainee in Periodontology


This is the first course edition I consider very successful. The training met my expectations. It is engaging, delivered in a discussion format, with the instructors showing their clinical cases and providing practical tips and advice. It also included discussions on complications and failures in treatment, which is very important.

The sessions are quite intense. After the theoretical part and discussions comes the practical part. During the workshops, the instructors constantly monitor our work and point out any mistakes in the procedures being performed. I rate the preparation of the instructors for the practical part highly (engagement, setup of the workspace, top-quality materials, and microsurgical instruments).

Clearly presented knowledge, a high level of preparation by the instructors and support staff, the training location, an accessible way of conveying necessary knowledge, and lots of practical elements made this course one I can confidently recommend to beginners and advanced practitioners managing soft tissue treatment.

Maciej Kubiński, DDS, Specialist in Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics and Oral Surgery


The course is very good both for beginners who are beginning their adventure with surgery and periodontology, as well as doctors with more experience. The high level of content, interesting workshops, and most importantly, the information during the course is transmitted in such a way that without much problem you can use the acquired knowledge the next day in the office. I highly recommend!

Artur Wawer, DDS


The course is excellent for both periodontologists and general dentists without specialization. The instructors present individual periodontal and mucogingival surgical procedures step by step, in an understandable way, and allow participants to practice during workshops. Bartek and Agnieszka share their experience and teach how to choose the best treatment alternatives for individual patients. After each module, I return full of theoretical and practical knowledge, eagerly awaiting the next session. I am truly grateful that Projekt Tkanki Miękkie exists.

Katarzyna Kołodziejczak, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology


Projekt Tkanki Miękkie exceeded all my expectations. The course organizes knowledge in periodontology with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. Bartek and Agnieszka clearly explain proven protocols that can be immediately implemented in daily practice. Clinical cases are presented step by step, in a comprehensible and detailed way.

Bartek and Agnieszka complement each other perfectly, exude energy, and their discussions are captivating. I have never encountered such dedication from instructors before.

An outstanding course — each module is something I eagerly anticipate. I highly recommend it.

Agata Korc, DDS


Thanks to the project, I gained confidence in making clinical decisions and precision in performing microsurgical procedures in the soft tissue of the oral cavity. A huge plus is the availability of the instructors 'after hours' and the possibility of jointly discussing complicated cases from personal practice.

Joanna Gilewicz, DDS, Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery


Projekt Tkanki Miękkie offers comprehensive knowledge of periodontology and implantology. The broad scope of the material helps surgeons, prosthodontists, and dentists planning complex therapies understand the soft tissue aspects. This field of dentistry has evolved significantly recently, enabling predictable planning and execution of treatments for spectacular esthetic outcomes in soft tissues. Knowing the principles and limitations, which Bartek and Agnieszka clearly convey along with ready therapeutic solutions, is essential.

Piotr Bar, DDS, Specialist in Oral Surgery


This is the course I have been waiting for! The practical information is supported by the perfectly presented basics of tissue biology and physiology. The explanation as to why something is sometimes successful and sometimes not is particularly valuable. Thanks to this, I can better diagnose, qualify for treatment, and predict the effects of specific therapeutic decisions. An additional advantage of the course is the pleasant atmosphere, which is ensured by both the instructors and the participants. It is relaxed and pleasant, and for me this is important, especially considering the amount of knowledge provided during the modules and in the additional materials. It is very comprehensive. In my opinion, this is a world-class course, and I recommend it to every doctor committed to improving their professional skills!

Zofia Szepietowska, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology


Great course! The latest knowledge presented in an accessible, clear, patient and... with a sense of humour! The lecturers' incredible knowledge, but also their charisma, put a smile on the lips of us diligent learners, unless it was due to fatigue, as the course also requires concentration and focus. A thread, or rather a cord of affection and mutual support, has formed between the students. Thanks to Projekt Tkanki Miękkie, not only have I gained the necessary knowledge and skills, but also a group of friendly people always willing to help!

Monika Machoy, DDS, PhD, Specialist in Orthodontics


Projekt Tkanki Miękkie is a thoroughly well thought-out and refined course with a very broad range of topics. Brilliantly prepared instructors, comprehensive scripts sent out before each module explaining treatment techniques, pre-, intra- and post-operative management (which is rare). Hands-on training is always carefully prepared and reviewed for the given treatment techniques. The course is very structured, presenting treatment algorithms that are based on scientific research, as well as showing how to deal with complications. Having attended many courses, this one I can really recommend.

Artur Malottki, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology


Game changer. It changes thinking, working patterns, approaches to treatments. Everything is illustrated in a clear way, explaining why one should work this way and not that way. Carefully presented treatment techniques. Agnieszka and Bartek control the trainees during the practical classes very meticulously. :) Substantive help from the instructors in their own cases. Highly recommended.

Adam Buła, DDS


I was tipped off by a colleague that there was such a project.... First, I read everything I could on the Internet. Then I thought for a long time whether to go to this training series. I wrote, I inquired, because, after all, not some small costs.... I got immediate and very detailed answers to all my persistent questions, which already aroused my desire to take part in this curriculum (respect, Bartek). The only conclusion is that every session is worth the money invested.

Each meeting is preceded by materials to give a better understanding of the topic under discussion. The knowledge is backed up by the latest scientific findings and the presenters' unique gift and way of imparting knowledge. In our daily practice we are not left to our own devices, but we can consult on difficult and problematic cases. Although there is a predetermined program, the trainers are open to our suggestions as to topics and issues to discuss and adapt it to our needs and to the skills of the group.

It is very important that, in addition to being able to watch videos of our mentors' procedures, we can practice them ourselves during practical classes on animal preparations. The mentors approach each individual and give advice that is tailored to skills. The course program is preset and divided in a very sensible way. And just when your head is no longer absorbing the knowledge, a break comes along. :) The course is tailored to practically everyone — both experienced surgeons and beginners. The atmosphere is mega-hearted, friendly, everyone can learn something from each other — not only from the trainers, who are our 'gurus', but also from each other.... It's hard to find words to express what I have gained from this training: knowledge, friendships....

Natasza Czajkowska, DDS, Specialist in Oral Surgery


PTM is the only such well-thought-out and refined training in Poland. Conducted by knowledge-complementary specialists who not only have an impressive scientific background but, above all, vast clinical experience. Each module is based on a solid dose of theoretical knowledge and supplemented with practical workshops and numerous clinical tips. The classes take place in a friendly atmosphere that allows 100% focus on the content, is very inclusive and encourages people to open up, ask questions, and discuss. The training can be both an excellent supplement to knowledge and a comprehensive introduction to procedures performed at the highest level.

Dr. Agata Orzechowska, specialist periodontist


I've been to a lot of training courses and most of them were very well done, but none of them were as well-thought-out and organized as Projekt Tkanki Miękkie. With each module the earlier content becomes obvious. The attention to detail during the procedures performed and explained is frustrating at first and makes one more critical of previously performed procedures. At the same time, it motivates you to improve your treatment techniques. Procedures explained step by step, making it possible to put them into practice the very next day. Guarantees that you will hear the voice of the instructors in your head when performing the treatments.

I sincerely recommend. Very well invested money!

Marcin Środa, DDS


In the last year I have had the pleasure of participating in Projekt Tkanki Miękkie. The program of modules alone gave me hope of structuring my periodontal treatment and expanding my skills. What transpired throughout the training, and the atmosphere was very pleasant and conducive to development and sharing experiences. The approach of the trainers to the participants, and the treatment of patients is very consistent and introduces a new quality. This is definitely the best periodontal training series in Poland. I am very grateful to you, Agnieszka and Bartek.

Ewa Hołda, DDS


I highly recommend the training, huge amount of theoretical and practical knowledge. Procedures and diagrams were presented in a clear way so that you can implement them immediately in your daily practice.

Bartłomiej Woryński, DDS


The course leaders are fantastic practitioners, with a wealth of experience, plus up to date with the latest treatments and scientific publications. They have shown me great support in managing my patients. I would recommend to anyone who would like to further their knowledge in periodontology!

Alicja Gajosz, DVM


I am a participant in the third edition of Projekt Tkanki Miękkie. We have just finished the fifth module and I must say that it has been an intense and busy five months. The training is well-thought-out, the knowledge is systematized, and the treatment procedures are presented in a very thorough and clear way.

Before each module, participants receive scripts so that theoretical knowledge and treatment techniques can already be familiarized before the class. The course covers twenty-two days of meetings. This represents many hours devoted to a thorough discussion of each of the scheduled topics. In addition, at every stage of the course, you can count on help with consulting your own cases.

Practical workshops provide the opportunity to practice previously discussed treatment procedures under the instructors' guidance. This is a particularly valuable element of the course because of the opportunity to receive individual, practical guidance and advice.

I believe that this is the only such comprehensive and advanced course in periodontology in Poland. The presenters present a very high level of knowledge combined with extensive clinical experience. What is more, Aga and Bartek complement each other wonderfully and form a unique duo. Their commitment is shared by all participants and motivates them.

Taking part in PTM has been a super adventure for me and a huge step in my professional development.

Mariola Urbańczyk, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology


As a dentist who does not deal with surgery on a daily basis, I signed up for Projekt Tkanki Miękkie, knowing that the level is very advanced. During the course, theoretical and practical knowledge is imparted in an understandable and logical manner with a comprehensive approach to treatment. Thanks to the support of the instructors, after the third module, I slowly started to perform surgical procedures. A huge advantage is the friendly atmosphere created by the trainers, Bartek and Agnieszka. These facts reinforce my conviction that I made the right decision on my professional path. This is the best course I have attended so far.

Amin Jooshany, DDS


After completing the third edition of the Projekt Tkanki Miękkie course, I can wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who wants to understand the complexity of dental treatment comprehensively.

PTM is not just theoretical knowledge at a top, world-class level. The instructors discuss clinical procedures in great detail, which can be practically performed on specially prepared models using high-quality tools. For me, as a periodontist, most of the procedures were familiar from the very beginning, yet I believe that the entire Projekt has taken my clinical work to a completely different, higher level.

At a certain stage of work, to develop further, it is necessary to understand the procedure very thoroughly — and that is exactly what this course gave me. There are many theories and treatment methods, but biology is one — when you understand what you're doing, the limitations disappear. Thank you, Agnieszka and Bartek, you have my highest recommendation. Bravo!

Daniel Gola, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology


Lost weekends, studying at home, changing work habits — for two sessions I wondered whether to dive in. And then I jumped in headfirst and couldn't wait for the next module!

Now I finally know when to inject at the base of the papilla, why the surgical drape has a rough side, and that sashimi isn't just a type of sushi. And all of it truly makes sense. Agnieszka and Bartek not only explain how to do something but, most importantly, why.

From general to specific, they go through tissue anatomy, biology, cutting techniques, suturing, and planning less and more complicated procedures, all presented so accessibly that the next day in the office, you suddenly see patients, problems, possibilities, and above all, solutions differently.

I already miss it: the atmosphere, the instructors, the participants, the support, the discussions, the jokes, the practice, the exchange of ideas and advice. And you — future participants — you'll miss it too. Because Projekt Tkanki Miękkie has only one flaw — it ends too soon...

Anna Grabowska, DDS


Projekt Tkanki Miękkie is definitely number one in Poland.

It's a journey that will transform your professional life and approach to dentistry on many levels.

Bartek and Agnieszka have created a masterpiece.

Artur Wyczółkowski, DDS, Trainee in Oral Surgery


Projekt Tkanki Miękkie, led by Agnieszka and Bartek, is more than just a training course. It's an extraordinary journey that broadens horizons and showcases immense possibilities not only in dentistry. The eight modules are perfectly planned in terms of topics, allowing a comprehensive approach to knowledge and practice.

The atmosphere during the sessions is exceptional: the teaching style fosters free exchange of opinions and experiences among participants, who together create the real magic of this place. It was a wonderful time, and I will miss it greatly! I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking inspiration and wanting to grow!

Joanna Andrzejak, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology


Projekt Tkanki Miękkie is more than just a course. It's a wealth of knowledge, practical skills, and treatment algorithms conveyed in a thoughtful, structured, and harmonious way! The course format allows you to absorb information, implement it into practice, and then discuss any doubts during the next meeting. Topics that were previously difficult and complex are presented so clearly in this course that they cease to be a mystery.

During the course, topics are covered from the basics, so even as a general practitioner, I had no trouble keeping up, even with more advanced topics!

I wholeheartedly recommend it!!!

Przemysław Ferdzyn, DDS


The best course that complements specialization with the most modern knowledge and a comprehensive approach to treatment. The greatest value of Projekt Tkanki Miękkie is the simplified surgical protocols for periodontal treatment and practical workshops. Thank you, Agnieszka and Bartek, for your wonderful energy and everything you've created.

I recommend PTM to everyone who wants to develop professionally.

Irena Kozak, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology



  • Joanna Andrzejak, DDS, Periodontist
  • Piotr Bar, DDS, Specialist in Oral Surgery
  • Adam Buła, DDS
  • Joanna Chodkowska, DDS, Specialist in Oral Surgery
  • Natasza Czajkowska, DDS, Specialist in Oral Surgery
  • Przemysław Ferdzyn, DDS
  • Patrycja Filipiak, DDS
  • Alicja Gajosz, DVM
  • Lidia Gefrerer, DDS, PhD, Specialist in Oral Surgery
  • Jolanta Gilewicz, DDS, Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Daniel Gola, DDS, Periodontist
  • Magdalena Gołębiewska, DDS
  • Anna Grabowska, DDS
  • Justyna Grudziąż-Sękowska, DDS, Specialist in Periodontology and Public Health
  • Ewa Hołda, DDS
  • Amin Jooshany, DDS
  • Adam Kaczor, DDS
  • Katarzyna Kołodziejczak, DDS, Periodontist
  • Julita Koper, DDS, Periodontist
  • Agata Korc, DDS
  • Damian Korczyński, DDS, Periodontist
  • Michał Kowalski, DDS
  • Irena Kozak, DDS, Periodontist
  • Maciej Kubiński, DDS, Specialist in Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics and Oral Surgery
  • Monika Machoy, DDS, PhD, Specialist in Orthodontics
  • Artur Mallotki, DDS, Periodontist
  • Nela Molga-Chlipała, DDS
  • Agata Orzechowska, DDS, PhD, Periodontist
  • Anna Papierska, DDS, Periodontist
  • Rafał Rój, DDS, Specialist in Prosthetics and Surgery
  • Joanna Siniarska, DDS, Trainee in Periodontology
  • Zofia Szepietowska, DDS, Periodontist
  • Mariusz Śmietana, DDS, Periodontist
  • Marcin Środa, DDS
  • Karol Święch, DDS, Specialist in Oral Surgery
  • Mariola Urbańczyk, DDS, Periodontist
  • Bartłomiej Woryński, DDS
  • Artur Wawer, DDS
  • Artur Wawer, DDS Artur Wyczółkowski, DDS, Trainee in Oral Surgery
  • Beata Wyrębek, DDS, PhD, Trainee in Periodontist
  • Małgorzata Wyszyńska-Pomian, DDS, Periodontist

PTM Study Club

We organize regular meetings held four times a year. The PTM Study Club is a platform through which our graduates can share knowledge, exchange experiences, and build valuable relationships. Our goal is to enable highly qualified colleagues to stay up to date with the latest trends and pioneering achievements in dentistry.


Knowledge Base

Our Partners
